1) I like ... a) reading books. b) read books. c) reads books. 2) I love ... a) play tennis. b) playing tennis. c) plays tennis. 3) I don't like ... a) skate. b) skates c) skateboarding. 4) What do you like ...? a) doing? b) do? c) does? 5) What time do you wake up? a) He wakes up at 9 o'clock. b) I don't wake up at 10 o'clock. c) I wake up at half past 7 6) Does she play tennis on Saturday? a) No, she doesn't. She plays basketball. b) Yes, I do. I love tennis. c) She plays with her friends. 7) Do you read at night? a) Yes, she does. She likes reading. b) Yes, I do. c) No, I don't watch TV at night. 8) What do you like doing? a) Y like playing the guitar. b) I don't like listening to music. c) They like reading. 9) What color are their dresses? a) Our dresses are purple. b) Their dresses are green. c) You dresses are pink. 10) When do you go to school? a) They go to school in the morning. b) She goes to school in the afternoon. c) We go to school in the morning.

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