the handicapped - people living with a disability, disabled person, a wheelchair user, the blind - people with visual impairments; blind people; blind and partially sighted people, An autistic child - Child has autism, dwarf, midget - someone with restricted growth or short stature, is brain damaged - has a traumatic brain injury, crazy/insane/psycho/mad/mental patient - person with a mental health condition, slow/idiot/moron - person with intellectual developmental disability, deaf and dumb; deaf mute - user of British Sign Language (BSL), person with a hearing impairment, suffers from cancer - living with cancer, Policeman, male nurse, female doctor, cleaning lady, dinner lady - Police Officer, nurse, doctor, cleaner, school meal supervisors, Each employee should read his payslip carefully. - Employees should read their payslip carefully., Sara is confined to a wheelchair. - Sara uses the wheelchair for mobility., Marcy, who is afflicted with epilepsy... - Marcy is living with epilepsy., Schizophrenics - Individuals with schizophrenia , old age pensioner (OAP) - over-65s, over-70s, over-80s, race - ethnicity,

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