If I'm late for class ..., I usually feel sad if ..., I'll be really happy if ...., If you don't eat enough vegetables ..., If a black cat walks across your path, ...., If somebody says something bad about me ..., If my teacher gives me lots of homework before next class, ..., I'll probably go for a run tomorrow morning, unless ...., When I feel exhausted, .... , It's always a good idea to take some cash in case .., Unless you fix your computer .... , I love going to the beach as long as ..., If you heat water, ...., I'll go to bed early tonight if ...., If you practise English every day ..., If I don't understand something in class, .... , If you walk under a ladder, ..., If you get married on Tuesday the 13th, ...., It's best to have a plan B in case ...., If you don't find a job soon, ..., I always feel happy when ..., I always feel bad when I eat ...., You should bring a bathing costume in case ...., If there's nothing interesting on TV tonight, ....

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