1) Hot-tempered, military-minded ruler of German empire and kingdom of Prussia; increasingly suspicious of motives of Britain, France and Russia. a) ADOLF HITLER b) TSAR NICHOLAS II c) EDWARD GREY d) KAISER WILHELM II e) MARSHAL FERDINAND FOCH f) FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT 2) Chancellor of the exchequer since 1906; against his earlier inclinations, in 1914 he became a leading proponent of military action against Germany. a) EDWARD GREY b) DAVID LLOYD GEORGE c) MARSHAL FERDINAND FOCH d) HERBERT ASQUITH e) FRANKLIN D.ROOSEVELT f) ADOLF HITLER  3) Liberal prime minister from 1908. Proved increasingly unpopular for his handling of the war; replaced by Lloyd George in December 1916. a) Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg b) Charles Coughlin c) Fritz Kuhn d) Lorena Hickok e) HERBERT ASQUITH f) Franklin D. Roosevelt 4) The only woman assigned to cover the Roosevelt campaign in 1932, she struck up a very close relationship with Eleanor Roosevelt, becoming the First Lady's most intimate friend and—some scholars believe—perhaps her lesbian lover. a) Fritz Kuhn b) Lorena Hickok c) Huey P. Long d) Charles Coughlin e) Marshal Ferdinand Foch f) Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau 5) At the start of the war, he was given troops to command but made his name collaborating and ​coordinating with other allied commanders. a) Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg b) Franklin D. Roosevelt c) Fritz Kuhn d) Marshal Ferdinand Foch e) Charles Coughlin f) Adolf Hitler 6) He was a charismatic Louisiana politician who served as both governor and U.S. senator in the early 1930s. a) Fritz Kuhn b) Huey P. Long c) Kaiser Wilhelm II d) David Lloyd George e) Tsar Nicholas II f) Archduke Franz Ferdinand 7) Foreign secretary from 1905 to 1916; was ineffective in his attempts to warn Germany against threatening Belgium's neutrality in 1914. a) Edward Grey b) David Lloyd George c) Kaiser Wilhelm II d) Joseph Stalin e) Fritz Kuhn f) Winston Churchill 8) He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Second World War. He was a strong leader and a talented speaker, writer and painter. a) Kaiser Wilhelm II b) Benito Mussolini c) Joseph Goebbels d) Winston Churchill e) Philippe Pétain f) Hideki Tojo 9) He was the communist dictator of the Soviet Union in the years before and during World War II. Stalin allied his country with Britain and France before the start of World War II, which made the Soviet Union a significance member of the Allied nations. a) Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg b) Hideki Tojo c) Herbert Asquith d) Philippe Pétain e) James Doolittle f) Harry Truman 10) A U.S. Army general best known for leading the famous “Doolittle Raid” in 1942, in which B-25 bombers were launched from an aircraft carrier to bomb Japan and then crash-landed in China. a) Winston Churchill b) Adolf Hitler c) Herbert Asquith d) Joseph Stalin e) Philippe Pétain f) James Doolittle 11) I was an Italian dictator who was a big supporter of the German Empire. I was a main part in the world war ll conflict and my time as president was of around 20 years. a) Joseph Stalin b) Joseph Goebbels c) Francisco Franco d) Winston Churchill e) Benito Mussolini f) Philippe Pétain 12) I was a politician and leader of the german empire or the third reich, who led germany into a conquest of countries like france or Austria a) Philippe Pétain b) Joseph Stalin c) Harry Truman d) Adolf Hitler e) Winston Churchill f) James Doolittle 13) He was the fascist dictator of Spain during the years before and during World War II. He gained control of Spain following a brutal civil war and was heavily supported by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy. a) Harry Truman b) Francisco Franco c) Huey P. Long d) Kaiser Wilhelm II e) Tsar Nicholas II f) Lorena Hickok  14) Minister of propganda under the third reich, I was the one in charge of creating posters, redio propganda and even movies avout the nazi regime, I was consider one of the most omportant men for Adolf Hitler. a) Joseph Goebbels b) Philippe Pétain c) Hideki Tojo d) James Doolittle  e) Harry Truman f) Benito Mussolini 15) When war broke out, he resisted offers to join the government and used his position to attack any faults he saw in the army, and he saw many. By 1917, with the French war effort failing, the country turned to Clemenceau to halt the slide. a) Marshal Ferdinand Foch b) Winston Churchill c) Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau d) Joseph Stalin e) Adolf Hitler f) Francisco Franco 16) He was called out of retirement in 1914 to command the Eastern Front in tandem with the formidable talents of Ludendorff. He was soon just the gloss on Ludendorff’s decisions, but was still officially in charge and given total command of the war with Ludendorff. a) Benito Mussolini b) Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg c) Joseph Goebbels d) Hideki Tojo e) Franklin D. Roosevelt f) Charles Coughlin 17) He was a Roman Catholic priest who became a national celebrity during the 1930s by hosting a popular radio broadcast. By the middle of the 1930s, Coughlin attracted between 30 and 45 million listeners a week, making him one of America's most influential opinion-makers. a) Franklin D. Roosevelt b) Hideki Tojo c) Charles Coughlin d) Benito Mussolini e) Joseph Goebbels f) Harry Truman 18) he was a German-born immigrant to the United States, was the head of the pro-Nazi German-American Bund in the late 1930s. a) Fritz Kuhn b) Lorena Hickok c) Huey P. Long d) Franklin D. Roosevelt e) Marshal Ferdinand Foch f) Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau 19) He was a German general during World War II. He famously commanded the Germany 6th Army during the Battle of Stalingrad which was part of the larger Operation Barbarossa. Famously, he and the German 6th Army became trapped in the city of Stalingrad and were captured and defeated by Soviet forces. a) Huey P. Long b) Franklin D. Roosevelt c) Marshal Ferdinand Foch d) Philippe Pétain e) Benito Mussolini f) Francisco Franco 20) He held the presidency from 1934 to 1945, leading the United States through the Great Depression and World War II. His legislative program, the New Deal, greatly expanded the role of the federal government in American society. a) Benito Mussolini b) Adolf Hitler c) Harry Truman d) Francisco Franco e) Huey P. Long f) Franklin D. Roosevelt 21) His military theories which argued the French soldier was disposed to attacking profoundly influenced the development of the French army. At the start of the war, he was given troops to command but made his name collaborating and ​coordinating with other allied commanders. a) Joseph Stalin b) Philippe Pétain c) Winston Churchill d) Marshal Ferdinand Foch e) Adolf Hitler f) Harry Truman 22) He was unsuccessful, thanks partly to the actions of other Germans. He managed to calm international events in the years before the war but seems to have developed a fatalism by 1914, and he gave Austria-Hungary backing. a) Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg b) Winston Churchill c) Adolf Hitler d) Joseph Stalin e) Francisco Franco f) Harry Truman 23) He was British Prime Minister from 1937-40. He initially sought a policy of appeasement with Hitler to allow the UK to re-arm and also in the hope another war could be avoided. a) Winston Churchill b) Harry Truman c) Charles de Gaulle d) Adolf Hitler e) James Doolittle f) Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg 24) A U.S. Army general best known for leading the famous “Doolittle Raid” in 1942, in which B-25 bombers were launched from an aircraft carrier to bomb Japan and then crash-landed in China. a) Adolf Hitler b) Harry Truman c) Francisco Franco  d) James Doolittle e) Joseph Stalin f) Winston Churchill 25) When war broke out, he resisted offers to join the government and used his position to attack any faults he saw in the army, and he saw many. By 1917, with the French war effort failing, the country turned to Clemenceau to halt the slide. a) Joseph Stalin b) Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau c) Winston Churchill d) James Doolittle e) Harry Truman f) Francisco Franco


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