1) I really don't want to go out tonight. I'll have to ... ... a good excuse. a) appeal to b) invent up c) think up 2) The only expectations you should ... ... ... are the ones you expect of yourself. a) count somebody out b) live up to c) come up with 3) If you are not careful, you might ... ... living the illusions that others have created for you. a) end up b) sort out c) give up 4) Lockdown is harder very day, yet do not ... .... a) give up b) be in for a treat c) fall up 5) Smell can .... .... memories for me stronger than any other sense. a) think up b) conjure up c) chill out 6) Wow, you didn't need to ... ... for the party. You look superb! a) come up with b) sort out c) dress up 7) Harry Potter's books ... .... a great audience. Everybody seems to like them! a) live up to b) conjure up c) appeal to 8) You need to ... ... your own problems before helping others. a) think up b) sort out c) appeal to 9) Keep calm and ... ... with friends a) chill out b) dress up c) check it out with 10) Bungee jumping? Oh, no, please ... me ... a) sort ... out b) count .... out c) give ... up

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