Guerrilla Gardening is the act of gardening on land that gardeners do not have the legal r___ to cultivate. - right, Guerrilla Gardening encompases a wide variety of people, r___ from gardeners who spill over their legal boundaries to gardeners with political aims. - ranging, The practice aims to reconsider l___ o___ in order to assign it a new purpose. - land ownership, The land is commonly perceived to have been n___ by its owner. - neglected, Guerrilla gardeners r___ plants for their own consumption. - raise, Some gardeners work at visible hours as a form of a___ - activism, The first Guerrilla Gardening act was the transformation of a d___ private loft into a garden that is still worked on nowadays. - derelict, The International Sunflower Guerrilla Gardening Day celebrates the movement a___ the world on May 1. - across,

Guerrilla Gardening

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