1) I have a ____________ to get people's names mixed up. a) tendency b) rule c) inclination 2) Aaliya ____________ hours in the bathroom getting ready. It drives me crazy. a) is spending b) will spend c) tend to spend 3) Grandad is _____________ to getting lost and being brought home by the police. a) inclined b) prone c) tending 4) I mostly ___________ to read when I'm on holiday. a) tend b) am tending c) inclined 5) They would keep _____________ me to move offices. So, in the end, I left. a) to ask b) ask c) asking 6) People ____________ sending me emails asking for advice. a) always b) were always c) always are 7) I _________ forget important dates so I put them all on my phone. a) keep on b) was forever c) tended to 8) As a kid, I __________ get a new dictionary every year. a) would b) nine times out of ten c) always 9) My mobile phone company ___________ me every day. It's driving me crazy. a) keeps call b) keeps calling c) keep calling 10) Beatrix ____________ us to come and visit. a) is always asking b) always ask c) always is asking 11) My aunt _________ and collect us from school and take us to her house for the weekend. a) would coming b) would come c) was always coming 12) ___________ I like to try a recipe out on my family first before I invite people round to eat it. a) As rule, b) A rule, c) As a rule, 13) I have an _________ to be rather disorganised. a) incline b) tendency c) inclination 14) I ___________ with everything they say. It makes things easier. a) tend agree b) tend to agree c) a tendency to agree 15) ____________ he'll be home by 6.30, but occasionally he'll get stuck in traffic. a) Nine times out of ten, b) Nine times of ten, c) Nine of ten, 16) My brother ___________ about his studies but he's much more conscientious now. a) used to apathetic b) use to be apathetic c) used to be apathetic 17) As a teenager, I ___________ with my brother. a) was always argue b) was always arguing c) always was arguing

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