1) which sentence is correct? a) If you go by bus to the beach, it takes 30 minutes b) you go to the beach, it takes 30 minutes 2) Complete : ...... ...... go to the exhibition centre by taxi, it takes ..... a) you / when / 1 hour b) If/ what / 1 hour c) If/ you /1 hour 3) Como digo " si vas al aeropuerto en taxi, te tomara 20 minutos a) if you go to the beach by taxi, it 20 minutes b) if you go to the airport, take 20 c) if you go to the airport by taxi, it takes 20 minutes 4) which sentence is correct? a) if you put ice cream in the freezer, it melts b) if you put ice cream in the freezer, it freezes 5) which sentence is correct? a) If you go to the beach by bus, it takes an hour b) if you go to the beach by bus, it takes 30 minutes c) if you go to the beach by bus, it takes 10 minutes 6) Cual es el significado de la palabra "boil"? a) calentar b) hervir c) congelar 7) Cual de estas palabras significa "cool"? a) calentar b) derretir c) enfriar 8) "melt" significa hervir a) true b) false 9) cual es el significado de la palabra "leave at room temperature"? a) calentar b) enfriar c) poner en el frizzer d) dejar a temperatura ambiente

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