Did your family relationship improve or worsen, Have you been doing any housework?, How many face masks do you own? What colour are they?, Are you doing exercise everyday? , Have you been taking walks? How many blocks are we allowed to walk?, Have you watched a lot of T V lately? , Do you like virtual classes? Why?/Why not?, How many times do you wash your hands per day?, When do you think the lockdown will end? Do you want it to end?, What are you doing to have fun these days?, Which is the last game you played? What was it about?, What is the worst thing about staying in your house?, What is the best thing about staying home?, What do you miss about last year?, What is the first thing you will do when you can go out?, How about your family? How are they dealing with this pandemic?, Which song have you been listening to these days?, Do you know how to cook? What do you like cooking?.

What have you been doing during lockdown?

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