She can't possibly be cold. - It´s 30 0 C outside, but she is wearing a coat,., He must be exhausted. - My friend feels terrible and never sleeps., We can't have missed it. - Where's the train? We arrived in plenty of time. , She might be busy. - Sarah hasn't answered my message yet. , She must really enjoy it. - My sister spends all her time doing sports. , The food might not be very tasty. - That restaurant is always empty. , It could be wrong. - Online it says that today will be rainy but there aren't any clouds., She must earn a good salary. - Sofia always goes on expensive holidays., It can't be cheap. - It was voted the most luxurious hotel on the coast., She might be shy. - My neighbour never speaks to anybody., They may come later on. - The party has started but my friends haven't arrived yet., Don't be so optimistic, they might not score any goals. - I am sure they will win the championship.,


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