1) What is the genre when the story has an issue that could happen in real life but hasn't? a) Informational b) Fairy tale c) Realistic fiction d) fable e) myth f) Folf tale 2) What is a story that usually has magic and is in a setting of an imaginary land? a) Realistic Fiction b) Informational c) Fable d) A fairy tale e) persuasive f) Tall tale 3) What genre is a writing usually using facts to try and get someone to do something and sometimes buy a product?  a) persuasive writing b) Informational c) Realistic fiction d) Folk tale e) Fairy tale f) Myth 4) What genre is a literary genre where the story takes place in the past? a) Historical fiction b) Realistic fiction c) Informational d) Myth e) Tall tale f) Fairy tale 5) What genre would your science text book be? a) Informational b) Science fiction c) Folk tale d) Fairy tale e) Myth f) Realistic fiction 6) What genre would the I survived books be? a) Realistic fiction b) Fiction c) Myth d) Historical fiction e) Tall tale f) Fairy tale 7) What genre are the cinderella movies? a) Tall tale b) Myth c) Realistic fiction d) Historical fiction e) Nonfiction  f) Fairy tale 8) What genre would the diary of a wimpy kid be? a) Fiction b) Informational c) Realistic Fiction d) Fairy tale e) Tall tale f) Myth 9) What genre would a history textbook be? a) Realistic fiction b) Historical Fiction c) Myth d) Fairy tale e) Informational f) tall tale 10) What genre would the three little pigs be? a) Folk tales b) Fairy tale c) Tall tale  d) Myth e) Fiction f) I don't know

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