1) A: Did you speak to Sara? - B: --- a) Oh,no! I'm phoning her right now. b) Oh,no! I will phone her right now. 2) A: Where does that noise come from? - B: --- a) I don't know. I'm having a look. b) I don't know. I will have a look. 3) A: --- - B: No, nothing special. a) Are you doing anything tomorrow evening? b) Will you do anything tomorrow evening? 4) A: --- - B: Sure, no problem. a) Are you showing me what you've done while I've been out? b) Will you show me what you've done while I've been out? 5) A: Are you free for lunch tomorrow? - B: --- a) Sorry! I’m playing tennis with Chris. b) Sorry! I’ll play tennis with Chris. 6) A: Have you ever been to Rome? - B: --- a) No, but I’m going next year with my parents. b) No, but I’ll go next year with my parents.

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