Low drop: No high heads. Statement (5) - detached, dispassionate, reserved, dull, cool, Low drop: No high heads. Wh question (4) - hostile, unsympathetically, detached, flat, Low drop: No high heads. Yes/no question (2) - hostile, uninterested, Low drop: No high heads. Command (4) - Unemotional, calm, controlled, cold, Low drop: No high heads. Interjection (4) - calm, unsurprised, reserve, self passionate, Low drop: high heads. Statement (6) - Searching, serious, urgent, intense, exc effect, trying to keep to the point, Low drop: high heads. Wh questions (4) - Searching, serious, urgent, intense, Low drop: high heads, Yes no (2) - Serious, urgent, Low drop: high heads. Commands (2) - Very serious, very strong, Low drop: high heads. Interjection (2) - Very strong , High drop: statement (4) - Light, airy, flat involve, High drop: wh question (5) - Brisk, businesslike, considerate, lively, interested, High drop: yes no question (3) - mildly surprised (eco), willing to discuss not urgent, aceptical, High drop: commands (1) - Suggesting a course of action,, High drop: interjection (3) - mildly surprised, not so reserved or self possesed, Take off: statement (5) - Encourage further conversation, reserving judgement, appealing change his mind, deprecatory (in contradictons), resentful (non final), Take off: wh questions (3) - wondering, midly puzzled (Nucleos on ?), very calm but very dissaproving, Take off: yes no question  (2) - Dissaproving, sceptical, Take off: command (3) - appealing to change hismind, calmly. warning, Take off: interjection (3) - reserving judgement, calm, casual, Low bounce: statement (5) - soothing, reassuring, self confidence, questioning with a tone of surprise (echo), creating expectancy , Low bounce: wh question (2) - sympathetically interested, puzzled, Low bounce: yes no - genuinally interested, Low bounce: command (3) - Soothing, encouraging, calmly patronising, Low bounce: interjection (4) - airy, casual, friendly, brighter, Switch back: statement. Adverbials, subordinate clause - contrast, colourfulness, Switch back: wh question/yes no - Astonishment, Switch back: command - Warning, Switch back: interjection - Scornfull, Switchback: statement final words group - grudging admission, diffensive disenting, polite correction, direct contradiction, warning, apology, tentative suggestion, The jacknife: statement - Impressed, awed, self satisfaid, challenging, disclaiming responsibility, The jacknife: wh - challenge, disclaiming, antagonism, The jacknife: yes no - impressed, challenging, agreement, The jacknife: command - shrugging responsiblitu, The jacknife: interjection - greatky impressed, hints of accusation, The high dive: statement - 2 imp, emp aux, express conformation, expression of gladness, regret, surprise, The high dive: wh - gushingly warm, plaintiveness, The high dive: yes no - gushingly warm, plaintiveness, The high dive: command - pleading, The high dive: interjection - encourgagin, protesting,


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