1) Are you going to carry on with English? Why (not)? 2) Describe a friend's appearance. What has he done recently?  3) What are you very really good at? Let your classmate REACT (neither, so...) 4) Look at the picture. How is she feeling? What has happened to her? Make PREDICTIONS.  5) What do you usually wear when you meet with friends? USE CLOTHES VOC 6) What subjects were you really into? Let your classmate REACT (neither, so...) 7) Talk about the best technological invention. Use PASSIVE VOICE. 8) Talk about a horrible holiday you had. Use IRREGULAR VERBS mostly and HOLIDAY VOC.  9) A friends of yours was fired (lost her job). Give ADVICE. 10) Compare GOING TO THE MOUNTAINS and EXPLORING THE CITY. Use as...as/more/less, etc.  11) Look at the man. What has happened to him?  Use DROP OFF. 12) Look at the man. How is he feeling? What has happened? Use SUDDENLY, SO and ALTHOUGH.  13) Talk about a time you were in a hurry and you had an accident. Describe the event using PAST TENSES. Include SO, BECAUSE and ALTHOUGH. You can use TIME SEQUENCERS.  14) What are your obligations at home?m 15) Talk about your PLANS for the summer holidays. Use LOOK FORWARD TO. 16) How organized are you? What do you do every day to be organized? Use PHRASAL VERBS with OFF and UP.  17) Describe the picture. Talk about the person's PAST and PRESENT HABITS. 18)  What is the first thing you do when you get home? What do you before that? [Use expressions with GET] 19) How is a good party made? Use PASSIVE VOICE. Example: A lot of drinks are bought. 20) Have you done any housework today? Include YET, JUST, ALREADY.  21) Have you ever bought something online? Describe the situation. Use SHOPPING vocabulary.  22) Talk about something you don’t mind doing at home/work? 23) Talk about what jobs are done to keep a hotel in perfect conditions. (windows, carpets, grass, etc.) 24) What do you usually do in the afternoon? Include HOUSEWORK vocabulary.  25) Talk about a recently bad situation.  26) Talk about recent changes in your city. Use PASSIVE VOICE. Example: a new park was built. 27) What's the most beautiful city you have ever been to? Why?  28) How much water do you drink a day?  29) How many hours do you spend using your cellphone?  30) Do you do enough sport? Why (not)? Why is doing sport healthy? Provide ADVICE.  31) Talk about your favourite film/TV series. Use PASSIVE VOICE.

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