Martin Luther: The Bible, not the Pope or the Church, is the only source of guidance for Christians, There is no need for bishops or a Church hierarchy, Each prince or king should control the Church in the area under their rule, Mass and the Bible should be in the vernacular (language of the people) instead of latin, Justification by faith alone , The clergy should be allowed to marry, The Catholic Church should have 2 sacraments instead of 7, During mass, the bread and wine does not turn into the body and blood of Jesus (transubstantiation), Pope Leo X: It was om to sell indulgences as it was funding the building of St. Peter's Basilica, Mass and the Bible should be only in Latin, A Church hierarchy was essential , Clergy should not be allowed to marry, The Church should have 7 sacraments, not 2, The Pope and not a prince or king should rule the Church, Anyone who was a threat to Church teachings needed to be arrested, During mass, the bread and wine does turn into the body and blood of Jesus (transubstantiation),

Chapter 10: Martin Luther's Beliefs vs Pope's Beliefs

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