Muhammad - The praised one, As-Sadiq - Truthful , Al-Ameen - Trustworthy , Ahmad - Who praises Allah almighty the most, Al-Mahi - Who erased immorality and injustice , Al- Hasher - Everyone will gathered around Him on day of Judgement , Al-Aageb - He is the last prophet, Al-Basheer - Who gives the good news of the paradise, Al-Nazeer - The one who warn people about hell fire, Ar-Rasool - The messenger who received messages from Allah , S.a.w. - We say ________________ after the Prophet's name., Abdulmuttalib - His grandfather _______________________ named our Prophet Muhammad., Idol Worshipper - Arabic people were ________________________________ before Islam., Hanif - Prophet Muhammad's religion was ______________________ before Islam, Salah, fasting, hajj. - The Hanifs would practice ______________________________________ , Zainul Abideen - When _________________________________ died, the poor family stopped receiving the baskets of food., Prophet Muhammad - __________________________________ constantly advised the Muslims to be nice and helpful to each other., Hadith - In one of his ___________________________, he said “Allah likes those who are nice and helpful and is pleased with them.”,

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