Dybala is ___ (good) at football than Higuaín. , A holiday in the beach is_____ (good) than a holiday in the mountains., A soda is _____ (expensive) than a tea., Japanese is _____ (difficult) language in the world., She is the _____ (smart) girl in our class., My city is _____(clean) than Buenos Aires., The Paraná River is _____ (long) than the Uruguay River., London is _____ (popular) city in England., A cinema is _____ (quiet) than a park., Sarah is the ______ (lazy) student in the class., The red dress is _____ (cheap) than the blue one., History is _______ (boring) subject at school., Star Trek is ________ (bad) movie I've ever watched., The bed is _____ (comfortable) than the chair., Moni Argento is ________ (funny) character in Casados con hijos., My brother is (tall) as________________ as my mother., Is jenny (responsible) as________________________as Katty?.

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