Do you have a full-time job? (do you mind me asking) - Do you mind me asking if (whether) you have a full-time job?, How can you improve your English? (I was wondering) - I was wondering how you can improve your English., What skills are required in your job? (could I ask you) - Could I ask you what skills are required in your job?, What movie did you see last time? (would you mind telling me) - Would you mind telling me what movie you saw last time?, Is there anything in your character you are proud of? (I'd be interested to know) - I'd be interested to know if (whether) there is anything you are proud of., Why aren't people able to resolve conflicts easily? (why do you think) - Why do you think people aren't able to resolve conflicts easily?, What is your occupation? (I wonder) - I wonder what your occupation is.,

SO B2 1.1 Grammar. Indirect questions

Tabla de clasificación

Tarjetas flash es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?