1) The flight was _________ long that I got really bored. a) so many b) such c) so d) so much 2) I had _________ noisy child behind me that I couldn't sleep. a) so much b) such a c) so d) such 3) I slept _________ badly on the flight from New York that the jet lag was worse than usual. a) so many b) such c) so much d) so 4) There were _________ people at check-in that we had to queue for ages. a) so b) so many c) such d) so much 5) She had _________ luggage that we had to get another trolley. a) so much b) so many c) such d) such a 6) We met _________ nice people in the hotel that we were never bored. a) so much b) such c) such a d) so

5th year: Unit 3A- Grammar in context: so / such...that

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