Good Luck - 祝你好运, I promise - 我保证, Of course - 当然啦, Slow down - 慢一点, Take care - 保重, Try again - 再试一试, Watch out! - Be careful!, I'm full - I can't eat any more., I see - I know, I'm lost - I can't find the way, My treat - I pay ., So do I. - I do the same., Follow me - After me, Be careful - Watch out, Bottoms up - Cheers! , Don't move - 不许动, Guess what? - 猜猜看, I doubt it - I can't believe it ., I think so - I agree, I'm single - I am not married, keep it up - continue to do something, Let me see - Let me think,

Week 8 Oral English

Tabla de clasificación

Tarjetas flash es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?