Name three books that ___ (make) into films., Name three things that ___ (use) by artists. , Name three things that ___ (invent) in the last 25 years.., Name three programs that ___ (install) in your computer., Name three sports that ___ (play) in teams., Name three things that cannot ___ (do) alone., Name three animals that ___ (find) in Africa., Name three things that ___ (produce) in your country., Name three languages that ___ (speak) in Europe., Name three popular TV shows that ___ (watch) in your country. , Name three famous buildings that ___ (build) more than 1000 years ago., Name three national dishes that ___ (eat) in your country., Name three singers that ___ (born) inthe UK., Name three things that ___ (make) of leather. , Name three films that ___ (show) bin the cinema this year..

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