Correct: HIGH - higher - the highest, LARGE - larger - the largest, BIG - bigger - the biggest, LAZY - lazier - the laziest, INTELLIGENT - more intelligent - the most intelligent, HEALTHY - less healthy - the least healthy , BEAUTIFUL - more/less beautiful - the most/least beautiful, GOOD - better - the best, BAD - worse - the worst, FAR - further - the furthest, Incorrect: HIGH - most highests, LARGE - largerest, BIG - bigg - biggerest, LAZY - lazier - lazierest, INTELLIGENT - least intelligenter, HEALTHY - less healthy -the least healthiest, BEAUTIFUL - more beautifuller, GOOD - gooder - bestest, BAD - badder - baddest, FAR - farest - farterest,

Comparative and superlative adjectives (English Plus 2)

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