1) What was your favorite summer job?  What did you learn from it?  Any memorable stories from it? 2) What are you reading right now? 3) When are you the happiest? 4) What characteristic do you admire most in others? 5) If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be? 6) Have you ever met anyone famous? 7) Got any favorite quotes? 8) What was your favorite band 10 years ago? 9) What’s your earliest memory? 10) What’s your favorite family tradition? 11) What was the first thing you bought with your own money? 12) What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before? 13) What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited? 14) Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet? 15) What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? 16) How do you like your eggs? 17) Do you collect anything? 18) What’s your favorite breakfast cereal? 19) Got any phobias you’d like to break? 20) Have you returned anything you’ve purchased recently? Why?

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