1) How many ducklings? a) 3 b) Hello! c) My name's ... . 2) What's missing? ..., B, C, D, E a) Yes, I like tea with ... ./ No. b) A c) Goodbye! 3) Goodbye! a) 3 b) She's ... . c) Goodbye! 4) Hello! a) It's a ... cake. b) It's ... . c) Hello! 5) What colour is it? a) Larry is a ... . b) It's ... . c) A. 6) What colour is this? a) It's ... . b) It's a ... . c) Hello! 7) Who's this? a) It's a ... . b) My name's ... . c) Yes, I like tea with ... ./ No. 8) What colour is the girl's cake? a) It's a ... cake. b) Goodbye! c) 1. 9) What is Larry? a) She's ... . b) Larry is a ... . c) It's ... . 10) I'm Ann. What's your name? a) It's a ... cake. b) It's ... . c) My name's ... . 11) Is Mummy Duck happy or sad? a) Larry is a ... . b) A. c) She's ... . 12) Do you like tea? a) It's a ... . b) Yes, I like tea with ... ./ No. c) Hello!

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