1 - Health. What sport or exercise do you usually do?, 2 - Present Perfect (For/Since) make a sentence [+], 3 - To get healthy, you need ..., 4 - Vegetables and fruits. What is your favorite food? , 5 - Оправдания (in Eng), 6 - Зерна,молочка,десерты, напитки (in Eng), 7 - Article "Get moving" , 8 - Present Perfect (For/Since) make a sentence [?}, 9 - Food for future, 10 - У меня аллергия на пенициллин (In Eng), 11 - Patient's phrases , 12 - May/Might/will (explain), 13 - Five Reasons Why You Don't Go To The Doctor, 14 - Само пройдет (in Eng), 15 - Illnesses , 16 - How to eat less, 17 - Вероятно, скорее всего, возможно (in Eng), 18 - Meat/fish/seafood. Which of these foods do you never eat/eat a lot of?, 19 - Doctor's phrases , 20 - Monitor me , 21 - Тяжелый спорт, избавлять от чего то, небоскрёбы (in Eng),

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