COLIC - Inconsolable crying, that lasts longer than 3 hours, THERAPEUTIC - _____ play allows the child to express their feelings and fears, as well as providing a means to promote energy expenditure, DENIAL - Defense Mechanism used by children to avoid unpleasant realities, REGRESSION - Defense Mechanism used by children to avoid dealing with conflict, by returning to a previous stage of development that may be more comfortable for them, SENSORY OVERLOAD - An increased stimulation of the child, DROWNING - The leading cause of unintentional injury and death in children in the US is due to, RECEPTIVE - The ability to understand what is being said or asked is called ______ language, PREOPERATIONAL - During which stage of development, according to Piaget, do children begin to become more sophisticated with symbolic thought, ECHOLALIA - The repetition of words and phrases without understanding, EGOCENTRISM - Self Interest due to an inability to focus on another's perspective, TELEGRAPHIC - A speech that uses only essential wordsA speech that uses only essential words, FOLATE - Avocados, Broccoli, Green Peas, and Dark Greens are a good source of, VITAMIN A - Apricots, Cantaloupe, Carrots, and Sweet Potatoes are a good source of, VITAMIN C - Broccoli, Oranges, Strawberries, and Tomatoes are a source of, DIETARY FIBER - Applesauce, Carrots, Corn, Green Beans are a good source of, CALCIUM - Dairy Products, Broccoli, Tofu, and Legumes are a good source of, TWO - The Academy of Pediatrics recommends _____ hours or less of TV per day , INDUSTRY - Ways to develop a sense of self-worth is termed, INFERIORITY - Feelings of inability or not measuring up to the abilities of others is termed, ABSTRACT - Adolescents proceed from thinking in concrete terms to thinking in, HYPERTONIA - If an infant rolls over before 3 months, this is termed, HYPOTONIA - If an infant has a persistent head lag after 4 months, this is termed, VISUAL - If the infant is not smiling at 6 months, the infant may have a _____ defect , HEARING - If the infant is not babbling at 6 months, the infant may have a ____ defect, GAVAGE - Feeding administered via a tube into the stomach or intestines, OUCHER - The pain rating scale that is used for children, and uses photographs of facial expressions, MAGICAL THINKING - The preschooler believes their thoughts are all powerful is called , ANIMISM - In the preconceptual stage, according to Piaget, children display, INTUITIVE - In the _______ stage, according to Piaget, children, RITUALISM - The familiar routine that provides structure and security for the toddler,

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