buiding that is officially protected and can`t be changed - Listed building, historic building or monument that is worthy of protection - heritage, the act or restoring to good condition - word family - renovate, renovator  - renovation, the act of keeping something in a good condition - word family - coserve, conservaions - conservation , the state of being one of a kind-special [word family - unique, uniquely]  - uniqueness, worth more than money [ word family - value, valuable, valuation ] - invaluable, special due to being connected to religion - sacred, place, area where something is situated or happened - site, ancient building or site or a structure built to celebrate or remember something  - monument, the position or level of importance that has been given to somehting or someone - status , an important time or event - milestone, the way smething is seen or understood [ word family - perceive ] - perception, the act of working together [ word family - collaborate - collaborator, collaboratve, collaboratively] - collaboration , person with specific academic ability or qualifications [ word family - scholarship, scholarly ] - scholar, work, a task, job etc that someone has decided or promised to do - undertaking , increase - heighten, belonging naturally to a place - indigenous, reason to do something - incentive, very big - mammoth, special - outstanding , determination - resolve,

L. Cert C2 Mastery Unit 3 Vocabulary

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