Cats make me ____ . I think I'm allergic to them. The longest beach in the world is in Brazil. It ____ for 241 kilometres. He tried to give the accident victim first aid but, in the end, he ____ more harm than good. Fiona can't stop ____. She must have caught a cold. A large number of people in the UK ____ from depression. I didn't go to work today because I don't want to ____ my flu to anyone else. It isn't a serious disease, so everyone expects Jeremy to make a full ____ in a matter of days. The hotel receptionist ____ me that our room has a beautiful view of the mountains. If you sit out in the sun for too long, you will feel ____ . There has been a(n) ____ of food poisoning at this resort. You should ____ your children whatever they decide to do. That ____ be Mary at the door. She said that she would come to see me today. -Could I borrow your dictionary for a moment, please? -Yes, you ____ . The audience made so much noise in the theatre that we ____ hear what the actors were saying. Mum must ____ some biscuits. It smells wonderful in here. It's a lovely warm evening! ____ we go for a walk? Betty ____ be at the office right now. I saw her at the mall a minute ago. I ____ so much food for my guests as no one felt like eating. You ____ anyone about the problem with the project. Now, everyone is worried. Your room needs ____ . There's dust everywhere!

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