1) The dog days of summer are a) the hottest days of summer b) a period of inactivity or decline c) both a) and b) 2) 'Every dog has his day' means that everyone:  a) eventually gets their comeuppance. b) strikes lucky at some point. c) suffers humiliation and disgrace on occasion. 3) If somone is like a dog with a bone, they are a) tenacious and single-minded. b) overexcited and frenzied. c) starved of love and affection. 4) If someone is dressed up or done up like a dog's dinner,  a) they look like they've been dragged through a hedge backwards.  b) they're inappropriately and ostentationsly overdressed. c) they look so lovely you could eat them all up! 5) If a bloke tells you he's going to see a man about a dog, a) he's off to score some drugs. b) he's planning to place a bet at the 'bookies'.  c) he's nipping to the loo. 6) 'If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas' means: a) Be cautious of the company you keep. b) It's not a good idea to let your dog on your bed.  c) Dogs might be our friends, but we mustn't forget we're the masters.  7) Everyone loves an 'underdog'; in other words, a) someone or something to cuddle up to on the coldest of nights. b) long dogs with low bellies and short legs like the dachsund. c) the one who is least likely to come out on top. 8) If a book is dog-eared, a) it has been chewed up by a dog. b) the corners of the pages are turned in. 9) What is the 'hair of the dog (that bit you) supposedly a cure for? a) rabies b) a hangover c) both 10) 'Let sleeping dogs lie'. In other words,  a) don't stir up the hornet's nest. b) don't let the cat out of the bag. c) it's best to turn the other cheek.


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