fossils - The dead remains of parts of plants and animals from million of years ago, cast - ----- fossils form when bodies inside sediments form fossils, trace - fossils formed by things left behind like eggs, geologists - Scientists who study rocks and soil, palaeontologists - Scientists who study fossils, index - The type of fossil to help show the age of rocks, records - Fossil ------ shows when member of the group existed , cycle - When rocks can change into another kind of rock, is called the rock, weathering - When rocks are broken down by rain, wind and water, soil - Weathering of rocks can form, plants - Soil is usually covered by ------- that are growing in it , roots - Soil allows plants to set down their -------, organic - The darkest layer of soil is made from ------ material, humus - The remains of plants and animals that rot and form a substance, topsoil - The soil mixed with humus and rocky fragments , subsoil - The paler layer of soil,

Rocks and soil Part 2

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