Ellie always calls me on my birthday, but this year she didn't. She might ... - have forgotten., It's your own fault you got sunburned! You should... - have put on sunscreen., Jessica is an avid traveller, but she hasn't been anywhere this year so far. She could ... - have lost her job., I had a chance to try alpine skiing but I didn't, and I really regret it. I should ... - have given it a go., I've got a stomachache. I shouldn't ... - have eaten so much., I didn't know they didn't accept credit cards. We should ...   - have brought some cash., My neighbor just bought a flashy car. She might ... - have won the lottery!, Michelle isn't in her office. She may ... - have gone home. She wasn't feeling very well., Stella's neighborhood has one of the highest crime rates. She shouldn't ... - have bought an apartment there., Mark's coworkers were always looking down on him and gossiping about him. He shouldn't ... - have put up with it or ignored it.,

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