Would you rather make funny sounds all of the time or would you rather have a tree growing out of your head?, Would you rather have to sleep hanging upside down or sleep in a bed of garbage?, Would you rather have four arms or four legs?, Would you rather burp or fart all of the time?, Would you rather eat only vegetables or only fruit for the rest of your life?, Would you rather eat donuts or candy every day?, Would you rather sweat slime or honey?, Would you rather live in a zoo or in an aquarium?, Would you rather be a superhero or an astronaut?, Would you rather have a treehouse or a hideout under the ground?, Would you rather be able to fly like a bird or swim like a fish?, Would you rather swim in pudding or ice cream?, Would you rather be really cold or be really hot?, Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to run on top of water?, Would you rather never have homework again or be paid to do your homework?, Would you rather have a snowball fight or a water balloon fight?, Would you rather forever have to eat with your feet or walk with your hands?, Would you rather have to live the rest of your life without a phone or television?, Would you rather be the speediest person in the world or be able to jump the highest?, Would you rather drive in a police car or in a fire truck?, Would you rather buy 100 one dollar toys or buy one 100 dollar toy?, Would you rather pet a slimy eel or have to pet a prickly porcupine?, Would you rather have booger flavored ice cream or ice cream flavored boogers?, Would you rather have to wear a clown mask or a superhero mask every day for the rest of your life?, Would you rather have to share your house with two lions or with 1000 honeybees?.

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