How do you spell your name and surname?, Where are you from?, How long have you studied here at JRJ?, Do you have any brothers or sisters?, Who do you live with?, Do you like school?, What is your favourite subject?, What is your favourite class?, What do you do in the afternoon?, What did you do yesterday?, Where did you go on holidays last year?, What do you like doing at the quarantine weekends?, What are you going to do tomorrow?, What are you going to do this weekend?, What are you going to do when the quarantine finishes?, Tell me something about your best friend, Tell me something about your family, What is your favourite food?, What do you like wearing in quarantine?, What do you usually like wearing to go out with friends?, Describe yourself, What are you passionate about?, Tell me about a person that you can count on, Who do you get on with from your family?, What did games use to be like 100 years ago?, What did you use to do when you were a little kid?.

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