1) Which do you think is better, spending time with a lot of friends or spending time with just one or two friends? 2) Which country do you think is colder in the winter, Russia or Iceland? 3) Which country do you think is bigger, Canada or the United States? 4) Which language do you think is easier to learn, English or French? 5) Which animal do you think is faster, a zebra or an ostrich? 6) Which country do you think is farther from the North Pole, Italy or Turkey? 7) Which age group do you think is happier, people under 25 or people over 50? 8) Which do you think is heavier, seven pounds or three kilograms? 9) Which country do you think is hotter in the summer, India or Egypt? 10) Which do you think is worse for your health, sugar or fried food? 11) Which animal do you think is more intelligent, an elephant or a whale? 12) Which do you think is more interesting, reading books or watching TV? 13) Which do you think is more annoying when you're trying to study, loud music or people talking? 14) Which do you think is more comfortable, travelling by plane or travelling by car? 15) Which animal do you think is more dangerous, a lion or a poisonous snake? 16) Which do you think is more delicious, strawberry ice cream or chocolate ice cream? 17) Which do you think are more entertaining, action movies or comedies? 18) Which do you think is more exciting to watch, a match between two teams or a race? 19) Which do you think is more expensive, a new iPhone or a new laptop? 20) Which do you think is more important, friendship or money?

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