1) The giant is ... when children play in his garden a) happy b) afraid c) angry 2) The giant puts ... around his garden a) restaurants b) a wall c) a road 3) What does the Giant put on the wall? a) a sign b) a tree 4) After this, it is always ... in the Giant's garden a) autumn b) spring c) winter d) summer 5) Later, the Giant makes friends with ... a) a little boy. b) two more giants. c) a gardener. 6) In the end, the Giant likes seeing the ... in his garden. a) birds b) children c) cats 7) The Giant has a friend. a) True b) False 8) The children don´t like playing in the Giant´s garden a) True b) False 9) The Giant loves the Winter a) True b) False 10) The Giant is happy with the children at the end of the story. a) True b) False

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