Your younger brother wants you to drive him about 10 miles to his friend's house. Your own friend, with you at the time, encourages you to do it, not kowing that, legally, you still need an adult with you. No one else will find out. What would you decide? Why?, What would you do if you found out today that you were going to move? Why?, It is okay to break a promise? If so, when?, What kind of clothes put you in a good mood? Why?, Is there someone who pries into your life too much? How? Why?, A good friend encourages you to drop a CD (outdated-pick something else) in your bag. The store clerk is in the back room. What would you do? Why?, What is something you think is incredibly expensive right now? What price would be more reasonable? Why?, What is a time you should have said something, but didn't? Why not?, Your friend tells you that cheerleading is not a real sport. Would you agree or disagree with them? Why?, Your friend suggests the two of you take a few cans of spray paint and use them on an old empty house. What would you say? Why?, Your best friend wants the two of you to stay at a "hip" party, where a few kids are doing things you personally don't like. What would you do? Why?, As a student representative to your town's city council, you can cast the deciding vote on whether your town will build a new stadium, a library, or a shopping mall. Which would you choose? Why?, Should the truth always be told, or should some things be left unexplained? Why?, What is your one favorite place to be in order to get some personal decisions made? What makes it so special?, Who is the one person you would most likely talk to when a family crisis occurs? Why?, While chatting on the internet, a new person of the opposite sex asks you to describe how you look. Are you more likely to describe yourself accurately or to stretch the truth a little? Why?, Tonight, you have to choose between baby-sitting and earning some outstanding, necessary money, or going out with friends for one last summer fling. What would you do? Why?, Your grandparents will supply money for your whole back-to-school wardrobe. Your parents tell you to go cheap. How much would you ask for? Why?, You are the only one in your crowd without a date for the dance. What would you do? Why?, What is the most important factor-price, style, brand name, etc.- in determining which gym shoes to buy? Why?, You have a chance to set a school record tonight at the swim meet for all-time number of 1st place ribbons, but you are feeling very ill. Your substitute if you let them take your place, is also likely to win a ribbon, which they have never yet done. The decision is yours. What would you do? Why?, A good friend dares you to get a permanent tattoo on a place no one will ever see. What would you do? Why?, At a school track meet you have the opportunity to set a new personal record or help your team set a new team record, but you can't enter both events. Which would you choose to do? Why?, You are upset by the fact that a friend of yours is taking drugs. Your friend's parents ask if you know anything about your friend's unusual recent behavior. What would you do or say? Why?.

If anybody asks me...(Teen Angst 1-50)

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