1) What are your goals? 2) What was your greatest challenge? 3) Do you know the customs process? 4) How was your work environment? 5) Do you have any previous experience? 6) How was your experience in school? 7) What are your skills? 8) What are you afraid of? 9) How do you work in groups? 10) What do you know about this company? 11) What languages do you know? 12) What are your dreams? 13) Do you have many friends? 14) Describe your last job.  15) How much do you expect to receive? 16) How was the cost reduction project? 17) What do you wait for in this company? 18) Are you single? 19) Are you studying? Or wish to? 20) What did you use to import? 21) Are you available for travels and changes? 22) When are you available to start? 23) Tell me your hobbies. 24) Do you have a driver's license? 25) Why do you want to work here? 26) Do you have leadership skills? 27) Give me an example that you used your skills. 28) What are your bad points? 29) Where do you see yourelf within 5 years? 30) Why should we hire you?

Questions for Interview

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