1) The cat ______two ears. a) have got b) has got 2) The boy _______ short hair. a) have got b) has got 3) The dog _______a long tail a) hasn't got b) has got 4) I _________ a long beak a) have got b) has got c) haven't got 5) My grandpa _________ two rabbits. a) have got b) has got 6) Has this boy got green eyes? a) Yes, he has b) No, he hasn't 7) The ballerina _________ a pink dress. a) has got b) have got 8) Has the teddy bear got long ears? a) No it hasn't! b) Yes, it has. 9) Giraffes have got short necks. a) Yes, they have b) No, they haven't 10) I've got a long and thin body. I haven't got any legs. I have got a long tongue. I can be dangerous. Who am I? a) I'm a lizard b) I'm a snake. c) I'm a crocodile. 11) I am black, white or brown. I have got four legs. I have got ears. I haven't got wings. I can run fast. I can bark or bite. a) I'm a cat b) I'm a rabbit c) I'm a dog d) I'm kangaroo

Has got have got P2

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