True: DISRESPECT: lack of respect; to show a lack of respect for sb; to insult, DISCONNECT: to unfasten something, especially to break the connection between a supply of electricity, gas, water, etc. and a device or piece of equipment, MISPLACE: to lose something temporarily by forgetting where you have put it, DISOBEY: to refuse to do something that you are told to do, DISAPPEAR: (of a person or thing) to go to a place or into a condition where the person or thing cannot be seen, MISBEHAVE: to fail to conduct oneself in an acceptable way; behave badly, MISLEAD: to cause someone to believe something that is not true or have a wrong idea or impression, MISREAD: to make a mistake when reading something, or to form a wrong understanding or judgment of something, MISJUDGE: to form an opinion or idea about someone or something that is unfair or wrong; to guess wrongly, MISPRONOUNCE: to say a word or letter wrongly, DISAGREE: to not have the same opinion, idea, etc., MISDIAL: to operate a phone or make a phone call to someone by choosing a particular series of numbers on the phone wrongly, DISAPPROVE: to think that something is wrong, or to have a bad opinion about someone or something, MISSPELL: to fail to form a word or words with the letters in the correct order, DISSATISFY: to fail to please someone because of giving them what not they want or need, MISINTERPRET: to form an understanding that is not correct of something that is said or done, MISUNDERSTAND:  to think you have understood someone or something when you have not, DISPLEASE: to cause someone to be annoyed or unhappy, False: MISUNDERSTAND: lack of respect; to show a lack of respect for sb; to insult, MISINTERPRET: to unfasten something, especially to break the connection between a supply of electricity, gas, water, etc. and a device or piece of equipment, DISSATISFY: to force something or someone out of its usual or original position, DISOBEY: to fail to form a word or words with the letters in the correct order, DISAPPEAR: to think that something is wrong, or to have a bad opinion about someone or something, MISBEHAVE: to fail to please someone because of giving them what not they want or need, MISLEAD: to operate a phone or make a phone call to someone by choosing a particular series of numbers on the phone wrongly, MISREAD: to not have the same opinion, idea, etc., MISLEAD: to say a word or letter wrongly,


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