1) The whale is a) big than the dolphin. b) more big than the dolphin c) bigger than the dolphin 2) The dolphin is a) more intelligent than the whale. b) intelligenter than the whale. c) intelligent than the whale. 3) The parrot is a) colourful than the dove. b) more colourful than the dove. c) coloufuler than the dove. 4) The giraffe is a) taller than the zebra. b) more tall than the zebra. c) tall than the zebra. 5) The lion is a) dangerous than the cat. b) more dangerous than the cat. c) dangerouser than the cat 6) The cheetah is a) fast than the cat. b) more fast than the cat. c) faster than the cat. 7) The peacock is a) beautifuler than the duck. b) more beautiful than the duck. c) beautiful than the cat. 8) The bat is a) more boring than the monkey. b) boring than the monkey. c) boringer than the monkey. 9) The monkey is a) funny than the bat. b) funnier than the bat. c) more funny than the bat. 10) The cat is a) friendly than the cheetah. b) more friendly than the cheetah. c) friendlier than the cheetah.


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