Silver  is .............. gold. ( cheap), Ice is ................. water. (heavy) , Which is ................... room in your house? (hot), Snakes are ..................... dogs. (dangerous), My dog is ...................... in the world. (nice), The seahorse is .....................  fish. (slow), It was ....................... book I knew. (interesting), This film is ...................... this book. (exciting), A wild cat is ................ and .................. a domestic cat. ( big / fast), The colibri is ....................... bird in the world. (small), Is Chinese ................... English? (easy), Who is ................. person in your family? (old), Who is your ............... friend ( good)?, Are you ................. your teacher? (young), In these glasses I see people and things .................. I  did without them. (good), This is .................. day in my life. (bad), Joseph is .................. runner I knew. (fast), The dolphin is .................... animal in the world. (intelligent), A parrot is ....................... bird in the neighbourhood. (noisy), I speak English ................. my sister. (bad), In my opinion a dog is ................. a cat. (good), A parrot is ................ an iguana. (beautiful).

Comparative and superlative adjectives

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