1) You...smoke at the street. a) can't b) mustn't c) must d) have to 2) Children...wear uniform at school. a) must b) have to c) can d) need to 3) My brother...swim. a) can b) mustn't c) has to d) need to 4) Teachers..be patient. a) have to b) must c) has to d) mustn't 5) You...speak loudly at the library. a) must b) needn't c) can't d) haven't to 6) YOU _________ STOP a) don't have to b) must c) must not d) can't 7) I felt sick yesterday. I _________ eat anything a) had to b) must c) couldn't d) can't 8) I ______ speak Spanish, and I'm learning French. a) could b) can't c) can d) couldn't 9) You_______ send text messages during class. It's a rule a) must b) must not c) have to d) don't have to 10) You ______ eat so much chocolate. It's not healthy a) shouldn't b) couldn't c) don't have to d) doesn't have to

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