1) On what date does the Hogwarts Express travel from King's Cross to Hogwarts? a) 31 July b) 1 August c) 31 August d) 1 September e) 1 August 2) What beast is hidden in the Chamber of Secrets? a) Dragon b) Hippogriff c) Pixie d) Balilisk e) Merperson 3) Who are Harry's only remaining relatives? a) The Dumbledores b) The Longbottoms c) The Dursleys d) The Potters e) The Weasleys 4) What do Ron and Harry smash into while flying the car to Hogwarts? a) A giant spider b) Hogwarts c) Another car d) Voldemort e) Whomping Willow 5) Who replaces Fudge as the Minister of Magic? a) Flitwick b) Umbridge c) Mr.Weasley d) Dumbledore e) Scrimgeour 6) What did Fred and George call their business? a) Weasley's Wizard Wheezes b) The Bogey Hex c) Weasley Pranks Galore  d) Honeyduke's e) Zonko Joke Shop 7) Which of the following Headmasters/mistresses was loyal to Voldemort: a) Dumbledore b) Snape c) McGonagall d) None of them e) All of them 8) Who kills Bellatrix Lestrange? a) Ron Weasley b) Albus Dumbledore c) Harry Potter d) Lord Voldemort e) Molly Weasley 9) What are the Deathly Hallows? a) Secret Scrolls b) Lord Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter c) Three secret spells d) A wand, a stone, and an invisibility cloak e) A barren area in London 10) Who told Harry Potter that he was a wizard? a) Rubeus Hagrid b) Molly Weasley c) Petunia Dursley d) Albus Dumbledore e) Dudley Dursley 11) Which faculty was the Sorting Hat persuading Harry to enter? a) Gryffindor b) Slytherin c) Ravenclaw d) Hufflepuff 12) A person born into a family of wizards, but without magical abilities, is called a) sorcerer b) muggle c) mudblood d) quib 13) Who Stole Harry's Letters in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? a) Draco Malfoy b) Dobby c) Ginnie Weasley d) Dudley Dursley 14) How many children are there in the Weasleys? a) 7 b) 5 c) 6 d) 10 15) How do Hermione's parents work? a) dentists b) teachers c) sorcerers d) accountants

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