keen/ train - I'm very _____ on running. I want to do a 10K race this year, so I _______ every day before work., technique/ way - I play golf every Sunday. I'm slowly developing my ______, but I still have a long ______ to go, downloaded/exchange - I'm learning Italian at the moment. I've _____ a few apps and I do a language _____ with an Italian girl, interested/ skilled - Painting has always _______ me- maybe because my mum's a highly ______ artist, expert/ progress - I started baking last year. I'm no______ but I've made a lot of ______, challenge/improve - It's been a bit of a ______ at times, but I can feel I'm starting to _____, so that's good, useless/ go - I'm ______ at it, but it's nice to have a ______, try out/ go over - I like to _____ new skills, but it's also important to _______ what I've already learnt to do,

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