姐姐有圆圆的脸,长长的头发。 - My sister has a round face and long hair., 我在国际学校读书 - I study in an international school, 我今年是八年级 - I am in eighth grade this year, 我每天穿校服上学 - I wear school uniform to school every day, 我的朋友喜欢穿黑色的衬衫,白色的裤子和棕色鞋子 - My friend likes to wear black shirt, white pants and brown shoes, 我的爸爸比我妈妈矮 - my father is shorter than my mother, 姐姐的眼睛很漂亮好像会说话一样。 - My sister's eyes are very beautiful and she seems to be able to talk., 我不胖也不瘦。 - Am not Fat nor slim , 妹妹周末时,穿紫色的裙子 - My sister wears a purple dress on weekends,

Gavin 翻羽练习 303

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