not before - after, not ugly - pretty, not straight - curvy, not clean - dirty, not boring - exciting, A place with trees - forest, not terrible - great, not cold - hot, not outside - inside, another place with trees - park, a room in a house - bedroom, bathroom, kitchen. living room, dining room, not first - second, You climb this - mountain, not good - bad, not closed - open, 3 places with water - lake, swimming pool, beach, river, children play here - playground, not loud - quiet, not square - rectangualar, round, circular, , not weak - strong, 4 places in town - hospital, theater, park, hotel, not bottom  - top, not downstairs - upstairs, smaller than a town - park, shop. car, not better - worse, 5 things you can see in the country  - cow, pig, grass, mountain, horse, dog, not today, - yesterday or tomorrow, You see animals here - zoo, desert, sea, jungle, forest, forest, beach,

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