What do you like to do most during the weekends?, What is something that you like to do when you're bored?, Where is your favorite place to hang out? What do you like about it?, What makes someone a bad friend?, Do you have chores at home? What are they?, Do you get along with your siblings?, Would you consider yourself to be more of a shy person or an outgoing person?, Are you more of an indoor person or an outdoor person?, Is there someone who you think looks up to you? Who is it, and what do you think they look up to about you?, What is something that you really like about yourself?, What is your dream job?, At what age would you like to live on your own?, If you could have an unlimited supply of any food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?, What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten? Where and when did you eat it?, If you were stranded on a desert island, which one possession would you want to have with you?, If someone gave you $1,000 and said you had to give it to charity, which charity would you choose and why?, What scares you the most?, What helps you feel better when you’re upset or stressed out?, Would you rather live on the beach or in the mountains?.

Speaking for teens

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