1) There is a fire at your house. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 2) You do not get to be first in line. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 3) Another student gets a ticket and you do not. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 4) You are having a hard time passing the jump rope test in PE. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 5) There are only animated books left to check out in the library. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 6) Your pet makes a mess on the floor, and you have to clean it up. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 7) You forgot your library books at home, and they are due today. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 8) You did not win in one of the classroom center games. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 9) You were caught running in the hallway. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 10) You were mad, hit a classmate and they got really hurt. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 11) You were two minutes late to recess. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 12) You wanted gummy worms, but your mom gave you fruit snacks. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 13) Your mom's car is broken and needs to be fixed. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 14) You forgot your lunch at home. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 15) It is blacktop only at recess. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 16) You cannot think of something to write for your classwork. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 17) Your shoe comes untied. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 18) Your friend gets a bravo award, and you don't. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 19) Your teacher takes you in the hallway to talk about your behavior. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch 20) You do not like the video the teacher chose for the class break. a) Big Problem b) Little Problem c) Glitch

Big Problem, Little Problem, Glitch

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