1) ____ __ an apple. a) This is b) These are 2) _____ ___ apples. a) This is b) These are 3) ____ __ an orange. a) This is b) These are 4) _____ ___ oranges. a) This is b) These are 5) ____ __ a fig. a) This is b) These are 6) _____ ___ figs. a) This is b) These are 7) ____ __ a dog. a) This is b) These are 8) _____ ___ dogs. a) This is b) These are 9) ____ __ a zebra. a) This is b) These are 10) _____ ___ zebras. a) This is b) These are 11) ____ __ a hat. a) This is b) These are 12) _____ ___ hats. a) This is b) These are 13) ____ __ a jar of jam. a) This is b) These are 14) _____ ___ jars of jam. a) This is b) These are 15) ____ __ an umbrella. a) This is b) These are 16) _____ ___ umbrellas. a) This is b) These are 17) ____ __ a rabbit. a) This is b) These are 18) _____ ___ rabbits. a) This is b) These are 19) ____ __ a teddy. a) This is b) These are 20) _____ ___ teddies. a) This is b) These are 21) ____ __ a kite. a) This is b) These are 22) _____ ___ kites. a) This is b) These are

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