1) This ............... has fantastic advertising campaigns. a) market b) gift c) company d) clips 2) Some people prefer doing their shopping at the local ............... . a) market b) gift c) company d) clips 3) I often buy products when there is a free ...............  attached. a) market b) gift c) company d) clips 4) John is really good ............... . He's got a great sense of humour. a) market b) gift c) company d) clips 5) Some video ............... are so funny that everybody wants to share them online. a) market b) gift c) company d) clips 6) He has a true ............... for performing. a) market b) gift c) company d) clips 7) Teenagers are an attractive part of the ............... to advertisers. a) market b) gift c) company d) clips 8) Girls often wear hair ............... . a) market b) gift c) company d) clips

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